Viewing the 'Job' Category
March 24th, 2005 at 05:26 pm
I think I need to actually set aside a budgeted amount for clothing. That might help my enternal closet struggle. Yesterday I bought a pair of summer pants and two tank tops, about $33. I definitely want to do more shopping....but I did pretty bad on my food intake (calorie-wise) yesterday, so that isn't helping me lose weight and feel better about my body.
In preparation for payday, I wrote out checks for three bills and made an entry in my checkbook for my savings account - pay myself first! I'm slowly starting to get that concept. Don't know what my problem is, it is a fairly simple concept, but not one I grew up with so it's hard to internalize.
I think I'll end up spending more this weekend than I'd like to. I'll have to buy groceries for my sister, I'm sure, because dorm life and no car means way too much cafeteria food than she'd like. Plus I am a nice big sister. I want to take her out to an awesome vietnamese restaurant, too, so that will be some $$. Oh well. She doesn't visit me often. I've spent a lot of money on frivolous things this month, but this doesn't count as one of them.
According to my budget, I've spent 110% of my income this month; 116% if you count savings. Ouch! Next month I'm shooting for 99% with savings.
I filled out my rental return, and I'm going to get a really nice return this year! It almost makes up for my exorbitant rent. but not quite.
I got a card in the mail yesterday about condo living, starting at $99K. I forgot to bring it today so I could look up the website. I really need to make some big decisions regarding my relationship (should we move in together? should we get married?), my job (should I move somewhere where I can actually find a job in the field I want?), and my living arrangement (is my landlord going to jack up my rent even more this year? can I stand this climate much longer?). UGH. I have no idea how to go about making these decisions, which is probably why I've been sitting in limbo for much too long.
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March 16th, 2005 at 01:54 am
I am not going to my obligation tonight. I am sick of it, and after the last few days, I don't need the aggravation.
Suffice to say that I spent the weekend with several people whom I love dearly and a few I don't. My weekend was definitely not my own, and I feel like I have been living at work. Today was full of people throwing more and more tasks on me, all the while treating me as though I am a five year old.
enough complaining. the job search continues.
On Friday I put $50 into savings ($25 of that for holiday gifts), and paid three bills (including paying off one credit card). On Saturday I ate free breakfast at work, lunch at home, and had a free dinner. Sunday I had free breakfast and free dinner. I bought $19 worth of card making supplies at Michaels (sale!). Monday I paid $5 to rent climbing shoes at the gym, had a free breakfast and free lunch at work, and leftovers for dinner at home. Today I filled my gas tank, washed my car (all those shiny cars around were driving me nuts!), ate breakfast at home, had leftovers for lunch, and so far I haven't prepared dinner, but it will be something from the pantry/freezer. I'm going to pay another bill tonight and maybe put something into my IRA.
Tomorrow! I'll bring lunch and breakfast from home. I am kickboxing again tomorrow night, so I'll have to buy dinner out and my kickboxing card.
As for the rest of the week, all I'm sure about is Friday...it will probably be a moderate spending night, but I haven't seen my girlfriends for months, and we need a night out.
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March 10th, 2005 at 03:10 am
Thank you, Nate, for making it so I can read my old posts as I type this one. You Rock.
I just got home from kickboxing. It was a workout, and it was really fun. I'll definitely be buying a membership punch card. I feel so good now!!! I kept saying to myself, why don't you move your body more often? This is actually fun! I just need to convince my procrastinator/perpetually tired side of that little fact.
Luckily I didn't have to pay for the punch card tonight, though, but probably next week. I spent $10 on dinner....not bad for a sit-down restaurant. That was all I spent today. Unfortunately that $10 also meant 745 calories...ouch. Carrot sticks for me tomorrow.
Tomorrow, lunch from home, then dinner at home, then climbing gym excursion. No money spent, with any luck.
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March 8th, 2005 at 09:06 pm
I scheduled two workout sessions for this week: one for tomorrow night with a friend, and one on Thursday with my boyfriend at the climbing gym. I feel so fat, it is driving me nuts. All I want is my clothes to fit again...and to lose 35 pounds (hehe).
Yesterday I did not spend anything. My bf picked up wine for dinner. We made lasagna and it turned out great!
Today I am paying back a friend for picking up April concert tickets ($25). I also reserved our spots for the climbing gym class on Thursday ($40).
Tomorrow I'll need to pay for a punch card to work out with my friend ($50). I'll also probably need to buy dinner, because the class is at a time and place that makes it inconvenient to drive home and get dinner. Hopefully we'll pick somewhere cheap to eat.
Thursday should be a no-spend day! (hopefully)
I'm trying to figure out what to do...do I find a bigger place and move in with my bf here? Do I stay in my place alone, and risk the rent rising drastically like it did last year? If we stay here, should a new place be closer to my workplace, instead of such a long commute? Do I really think I can keep working here much longer? If not, since I can't find a job here, should I move? Where should I move to? Do I risk moving somewhere without a job? *sigh*
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March 7th, 2005 at 05:00 pm
Saturday afternoon turned out to be a bust. I started getting a rapidly developing migraine and it was downhill from there. I didn't get much accomplished.
Sunday I woke up with a dull ache, but it felt like it was off in the distance, so I thought maybe I could keep it at bay. I did four loads of laundry over the course of the day, made cinnamon pecan bread, and cleaned up the kitchen. I went to Target and a couple of sporting goods stores in the afternoon. I spent $58 at Target, $28 more than I intended to, but I had coupons and stocked up on a few things. I didn't spend anything at the sporting goods stores. I went to the grocery store too, but my BF picked up the tab there - another $60, so that brings March's total thus far up to $135. We are trying to eat healthier things, and less prepackaged stuff. We even planned the week's meals when we got home...hopefully we can stick to it. My headache came back in the midst of all this, and I was in bed by 8:00pm.
Today the headache is in its same dull state.
I applied to several jobs yesterday, all over the country. We'll see.
Today will most likely be a no spend day, since my headache is creeping back in and I am tired of shopping for the moment. Plus, we are well stocked in groceries, and tonight is lasagna night!
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March 4th, 2005 at 03:32 pm
I didn't spend any money yesterday, but I should pay my boyfriend back for some food he bought and gasoline.
Tonight I will probably drop as soon as I walk in the door. This weekend I am cleaning my house from top to bottom, doing my laundry, and making some things for lunches. It's so nice not to have plans set up whatsoever...the next three weekends are not so kind.
I think I'm going to have to move to get a job in the field I want. NYC and LA really do not appeal to me, but if the alternative is sitting here until I become a mushroom....
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March 3rd, 2005 at 04:14 pm
Yesterday I went to the mall to find a pair of jeans. No go, so I saved $40-50, I guess. Then, the grocery store adventure. I tried hard to buy organic food, perfect-looking produce, and good deals on other things. I spent $77.57 -- $17.57 more than what I was aiming for, but I bought a lot. Simmering in my cup is a bag of chai vanilla tea, YUM. Unfortunately there were no leeks, but I was not surprised. I bought raspberry newtons on sale but avoided the oreo cookies on sale, even though I adore them. I am trying to eat better! and after that jeans-shopping fiasco, not to mention the wedding-outfit-shopping-fiasco, I told myself last night that I'm not going clothes shopping again until I lose 15 pounds.
My allergies have seriously been kicking my butt this week. I've started taking my meds again like crazy. I have no idea what is causing it...everything is frozen over, and mold and dust are here year-round. I should take out stock in Kleenex.
Still looking for a new job...I never heard from my last interviewer. I love that. I wish people would, at the very least, write an email and say "you're not a candidate" as soon as they know that. Especially if you have interviewed once or even twice there! *sigh*
keep on truckin'...
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February 1st, 2005 at 07:13 pm
the interview went ok. my interviewers were rather hard to read, and it only lasted 20 minutes. they hardly asked me any questions, so I hope they liked me. they will be calling about second interviews sometime soon, if I am chosen to do one. I wrote a nice thank you email and am hoping beyond hope that I get this job. it would be great. it's only 20 hours a week, but maybe I could work out a way to keep my current job and add this one. hope hope hope.
in other news, I'm trying to find a decent humidifier. I had no idea it would be so difficult. most of them seem to be pretty crappy or overpriced. I bought one, but then looked at reviews on amazon.com, and 20 of 23 reviews were awful. I'm a little afraid to turn it on.
Posted in
January 29th, 2005 at 01:17 am
I HAVE AN INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy dance, happy dance, happy dance, happy dance
oh, how I want this job. I can't wait to go in and nail the interview!
edited to add....I think I may have to tone down my excitement. I just found the position listed on another website and it says it's part time. I thought it was full time, as it was listed as such on the newspaper's website. I don't think I can do it if it's not full time. I'll probably still go in and talk to them...but this just kills me. time and time again, my hopes get dashed, one way or another.
Posted in
January 28th, 2005 at 09:22 pm
I have a potential job opportunity. I am waiting for a phone call or email about an interview. this job would be PERFECT for me. I am perfect for it. I am tempted to go sit on this guy's doorstep and beg him for the job....just kidding.
I HATE THE WAITING GAME!! *fidgeting and keeping my fingers crossed*
Posted in
January 23rd, 2005 at 06:50 pm
turns out I didn't have to go into work yesterday. we had a major snowstorm on Friday (it took me 2.5 hours to drive home from work - normally it takes 1/2 hour), so the meeting was canceled. mind you, I didn't get the call until I was already out the door and on my way to work, but at least I didn't get too far down the road.
yesterday was a major spending day for my sweetie. he didn't want to shovel his car out on the street (it had been blocked in by plows overnight), even though I was prodding him and told him I'd help, and it got towed. it looks like he'll also get a fine. days like yesterday make me glad we haven't merged finances, but I still felt bad for him. I was pretty pist though, because what if it HAD been our money? while we were sitting in the towing office, all I could think was, wow, this a lucrative business, there will always be people who leave their cars lying around.
we went to a friend's birthday at a local bar last night. saved gasoline by carpooling with another couple. dinner was expensive but not as much as it could have been...since I don't eat meat, and 99% of the menu was meat, I ate beforehand and just split an appetizer and dessert (though I had a couple of drinks, too).
today my sweetie went to visit some friends so I am home alone! maybe I'll work on his valentine gift. I'll try hard not to spend $$!
forgot to add that I am making another batch of yogurt in my yogurt maker today. the last batch was good but a little runny. I added some powdered milk this time...we'll see if that helps! I love making my own yogurt!!
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January 19th, 2005 at 09:41 pm
I just applied for four jobs. I get on these streaks sometimes where I apply for a whole bunch at one time. I have probably applied for hundreds of jobs in the past couple of years, and have received minimal response...most people aren't even kind enough to say no thanks! I've had a couple of interviews but nowhere I'd like to work.
Today I found these four jobs and I could see myself at any of them. I applied. We'll see.
Working somewhere else might actually lower my medical premiums, too! I'm keeping my fingers crossed....
Posted in
January 14th, 2005 at 03:02 pm
I stayed home from work yesterday. I just could not deal with working with the insanity. I am feeling a bit better today.
I went shopping yesterday afternoon, looking for a outfit to wear to a wedding coming up in February. I didn't find anything for the event, but I did buy 4 pairs of socks, which I desperately needed. they were on sale and are keeping my legs toasty warm today.
The temperature is -14 degrees Fahrenheit and the windchill is -35. I am SO glad that I don't pay for heat. so so so glad.
Posted in
January 11th, 2005 at 03:35 pm
I hate working. I really really hate working. I wonder if I would enjoy working if I liked my job, or if I would still hate it. All I want to do is travel the world and explore new places, see new things, and write. Preferably after winning the lottery.
I looked for a new job yesterday and found a couple of leads, but completely forgot about them last night when I could have sent out my resume. I'll have to write it on my hand or something as a reminder.
I brought lunch to work yesterday and again today. I got up this morning and fired up the crockpot, so vegetarian chili will be ready when I walk in the door tonight. I'm going to look around the web for a quick cornbread recipe to go with it. Tuesday nights are busy so dinner has to be quick!
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