July 30th, 2007 at 06:01 pm
Wow - what wonderful feedback! This really is the home of the nicest, most helpful people on the web, I'm convinced. I feel lucky to be a member of this community. Thank you so much for your support and ideas.
I am definitely going to learn more about stock photography. I'd love to assist a photographer, so I'm perusing the ads on craigslist, and I belong to a local photography meetup.com group. There's also a craft sale at work twice a year, so I may mount some of my photographs and see if any sell (if I am still working here then). I know there are some near my home, too. Etsy is a great idea too!
I searched through all the local colleges and community ed locations for photography classes. Last night I pored over a few photography career books at the book store but didn't buy any. I'll check the library.
As for the job hunt, well, I've been getting seven different daily job notice emails for over a year (some for several years). I also periodically check the websites of places I'd like to work, just to see if they have announced anything new. I think that's partially why I'm so frustrated - I feel like I've been continously job hunting for six years. I should have kept track of how many interviews I've had along the way (although that might be more depressing).
My ideal job traits:
- Good benefits and pay
- Relatively creative
- Variety of tasks
- Flexible schedule
- Minimal supervision
- Friendly atmosphere
I know I can't expect my job to make me happy. It would be nice to do something that doesn't make me dread getting up every morning, though. Ideally, it would pay me enough to allow me to do what I want in my free time (travel, attend orchestra concerts, donate to causes, help out my family, etc). I don't need a McMansion, or a garage full of cars, or a fridge full of caviar (yuck). I just want to get paid what I'm worth, and feel like my skills are appreciated. Do I ask too much?
On that note, here's the tiny foot of my friend's two-week-old baby. Remember feeling like you could do anything in life? I hope she always feels that way.
Posted in
July 26th, 2007 at 03:35 pm
Well, I got the rejection letter on Tuesday. I was so hoping to get that job. They must have mailed it out the minute I walked out of the building...guess I didn't make as good an impression in those 2 hours as I thought I did. I was seriously depressed yesterday...feeling a little better today. Honestly, truly, I have NO IDEA what to do with my life. The fact that I can only seem to land dead-end jobs is really frustrating. I'm starting to think I should go to law school simply to have something to do for the next three years, and because I'd pretty much be guaranteed a decent-paying job at the end. I feel like I am running out of options.
Thank you for your kind comments about my photos! I'd love to make a career of photography, but I have no idea how photographers make any money. I guess appreciate stability in income more than I thought. My other problem with an artsy career is...criticism. I have a really hard time accepting it. I joined a flickr group that critiques food photos just to try and work on it. Art (and music) is just so subjective; everything is a matter of opinion.
So, until I figure out what to do, I'll be spending day after day at my current job. SO and I both have health insurance through me, and I have to pay my bills somehow.
A couple of recent soccer game photos:
Posted in
July 24th, 2007 at 02:58 pm
Hi there!
I haven't had much financial news to report lately. This month I'm finally able to save a chunk of my salary. June was expensive with all the baby shower costs, our anniversary, and The Police concert. The concert was amazing, and I'm so glad I forked over the cash for that expensive ticket months ago. It was well worth it.
My friend's baby was born recently, and I was lucky enough to be there right after the birth. What an wonderful experience! I'm heading over this weekend to try to get a few photos of the kiddo.
This month I'm working very hard to keep a tight reign on spending. I had another job interview last week, this time for a web writing position, and it went very well. I'm supposed to hear from them soon...keeping my fingers crossed! The only down side is the 45+ minute commute. I'd have to buy a new car. The salary would be higher, though, so maybe I'll get lucky!
Grocery spending has been way higher than usual lately, but in thinking about it, it makes sense. I hardly ever eat out anymore, and I've been buying lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, and pantry staples. It's the little "extras" I have to do away with...but even those are more infrequent these days. There just isn't that much pre-packaged junk food I can eat (most of it contains dairy), and I'm happy about that. It really simplifies shopping!
I'm growing zucchini, three different types of peppers, three different types of tomatoes, basil, and cilantro on my deck. Everything is flourishing (provided I water the plants religously!). I've already harvested three zucchinis! Yum! I can't wait for the peppers to mature. Last year I chopped up and froze enough peppers to last into late fall, and I had less plants last season.
Now for a few recent photos! Here are my favorites from last weekend's farmers' market trip:
Here's Sunday's breakfast of vegan apple pancakes, topped with fresh raspberries from the farmers' market:
I'm really digging the food photography lately. I'm still doing
Text is Project 365 and Link is http://www.flickr.com/photos/zeenes/sets/72157600108283009/
Project 365 as well, and learning lots about my camera!
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