Well, after seeing four vets, a CT scan, a biopsy, and countless other tests, I found out last Friday that my cat has cancer. It is in her salivary gland and the prognosis is not good. I am keeping her comfortable and trying to find some way to slow the growth of the cancer.
I'm devastated. She is the light of my life. I was much more prepared for my older cat's passing than hers. She is only 8.5 years old and in my mind, only halfway through her life. Honestly, I'm not sure how I will get through this. Anyone else have a furry soulmate? She is mine.
I'm struggling with my current ethics class, not only because this is happening, but because the material is not at all what I was expecting. It's a Lutheran college but so was my (liberal) undergrad, so I wasn't expecting a huge religious focus. This college is MUCH more conservative and requiring Bible readings. I'm not even remotely religious so I am struggling with this. I've been looking for different programs and am considering switching to an industrial organizational psychology program. The problem is that what I'm doing is the cheapest and fastest path to a master's degree.
I haven't done a lick of my homework due tomorrow, and now I have to take my cat to the vet this afternoon because she ripped out her feeding tube this morning.
I need to tell my ex about our cat but I'm dreading that conversation. I haven't spoken to him in almost three years other than happy birthday texts.
I'm not enjoying my life right now.
cat update - it is cancer
March 20th, 2018 at 05:45 pm
March 20th, 2018 at 05:56 pm 1521568569
I am so sorry to hear about your Cat. Such devastating news. I don't look forward to my dogs' passing. One is our Old Girl and will be 16 next month. Anyhow, such sad, sad news.
I've taken Ethics (both Marriage/Sexual and Pastoral) in my past stint in Seminary. If you need opinions from someone who is a liberal Christian on specific topics, you can shoot me an email. I'll warn you that I'm jaded since the place that I studied Ethics acted so unethically I ran straight to an organizational design and change program (similar to IO) so I'll on the psychology side of business now rather than higher religious education.
I hope that your days get easier. Take good care.
March 20th, 2018 at 06:58 pm 1521572317
There are different Lutheran synods. There is Lutheran Church Missouri Synod which is quite conservative. There is Evangelical Lutheran Church of America which is liberal. There are others that are more or less depending on each.
March 20th, 2018 at 07:04 pm 1521572670
Make sure you know before you call your ex what you want from the exchange. Just providing courtesy notification? An option to say goodbye? Since it is clearly your cat, it seems all decision making is yours. It's an emotional time as it is, don't jump into a conversation that will make things worse. Obviously, I don't know your relationship...so it's only just something to think about.
March 20th, 2018 at 07:26 pm 1521573971
March 20th, 2018 at 07:31 pm 1521574317
March 20th, 2018 at 09:40 pm 1521582024
March 20th, 2018 at 10:24 pm 1521584663
About the class .. could you view the Bible readings as literature? I have heard of the Bible being taught in public schools just for it's qualification as great literature. So many other literature sources have Biblical allusions - both in modern day and older lit (Beowolf for one example) that it might not be a bad thing to read just for that purpose - being able to get more literary references.
March 23rd, 2018 at 11:44 am 1521805446
March 29th, 2018 at 02:49 pm 1522331359
Good thoughts on the ex. I still haven't told him.
Also good thoughts on my class. I'm trying to power through it just to pass at this point.