Home > coupons: Nicoderm CQ

coupons: Nicoderm CQ

January 22nd, 2007 at 05:04 pm

I have six $7 off Nicoderm CQ coupons, expiration date 12/31/07.

Interested? Let me know in the comments field, and I'll email you to get your mailing address.

I have lots of coupons at home that aren't going to get used, so I'll post those soon, too.

4 Responses to “coupons: Nicoderm CQ”

  1. denisentexas Says:

    Oh, I'm interested! DH needs those.

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    Hi, Kashi. I don't need the Nicoderm CQ coupons, but I would be interested to hear about any others you have. What would you like in exchange? I would be happy to send a self-addressed stamped envelope to mail them to me.

  3. Amber Says:


    Very interested!!! On week to of not smoking and those patches are more expensive than the cigarettes.


  4. kashi Says:

    Sorry Amber, I should have updated this sooner. The Nicoderm coupons are gone. If I get any more, you will be the first to know.

    crazyliblady, I will email you!

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