Home > 2007 vacation

2007 vacation

November 28th, 2006 at 03:27 pm

In 2007, I am taking a vacation, come hell or high water.

If I'm frugal for the next couple of months, I'll have plenty of cash saved up by mid-February. I'm still dreaming about a week at

Text is Isla Holbox and Link is
Isla Holbox in Mexico. I could take a bite right out of that piece of paradise...swimming with dolphins! Gazing at manta rays! Kayaking through mangroves! Digging my toes into the sand! Sounds like heaven.

I've been working on my year-long 2007 budget, and I added a vacation fund. I plan to have my smaller college loan paid off by June 2007, and my holiday savings fully funded by August.

My sister noticed my budget spreadsheet and asked about it. She seemed really interested in developing a budget - I'll have to make one up for her. I often stop and think about how much being a part of this website has helped me over the past couple of years. I think about money and acquiring "stuff" differently, and I'm proud of that!

Have you ever gone back to a salon and complained about a haircut? I got mine done last week at a new place, and I really don’t like the cut. I'm leery about having the same person fix it. Certainly in this case, having a coupon did not pay off. I should have just gone to my regular salon!

5 Responses to “2007 vacation”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Wow, that looks like a beautiful locale!

    I'll probably take a vacation someday, but for now, it's back to the salt mines. Wink

  2. Aleta Says:

    Good for you Kaski. Vacations are important. The way you are doing is the way to go. I aave for the holidays from January to June (for that year). I save for vacation from July to December for the next year. It's really the only way to go because you have your holiday money by June and you can start picking up things earlier when you see them and they're on sale. By the way I use Trip Advisor too to check out vacation spots.

    I know what you mean about the haircut business. I also had someone differently do mine and I was dissappointed. I waited until after vacation to get another hair cut.

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    Hi, Kashi. Thanks for your comment on my blog about The Secret. I don't really have space for a dream board near my work area at home, so I created a screen saver on my computer with messages of affirmation of myself and my goals. I also have printouts of photographs of $100 bills all over the place, taped to my desk and stuff like that. I have a photograph of a pricey silver piece on my computer desktop. My husband and I both watch the video as often as we can and are thinking about buying copies of it as Christmas gifts. Good luck on your goals and your dream board. I look forward to hearing about your progress in your blogs!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    I have gone back and complained. I also made a big enough fuss about not wanting the person who screwed it up in the first place to fix it and the salon owner fixed it herself. I don't know if this would work everywhere but it did work here. I did tip the salon owner, though since she was working for free on me when she really didn't have to. Their policy only states the person who messed it up has to fix it.

  5. baselle Says:

    I know what you mean about the haircut. I hit the jackpot in the hair department so bad haircuts tend to shag out on my head after a month or two anyway. But in terms of services like a haircut, developing a good long term relationship with a local vendor often saves money because you'll get the good deal every so often. And if they blank out and give you a bad haircut you've got leverage.

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