Home > net worth

net worth

November 7th, 2006 at 07:51 pm

Thanks to Tina's motivational post, I figured out my net worth today.


It's not as bad as I expected, but not good. Maybe sometime in 2007 my debt to asset ratio will even out.

I had an unprecendented experience over the weekend. I tried on a pair of jeans - and they fit on the first try. I tried on another pair - and they fit, too. I didn't have to grab a bazillion other sizes or styles like I normally do. Amazing! Even more surprising to me was that they were Target jeans! $20 each, I can handle that.

I did my part this morning and voted. I went with my gut and voted for governor accordingly. It will be interesting to see how a couple of Minnesota races turn out. You never know with this state!

Good news! I just received a cash award for all my hard work at the office this year. This place never ceases to surprise me!

Anyone in the vicinity - visit Como Zoo when you have a chance. They had a baby giraffe and a baby zebra born last month! So absolutely adorable!

9 Responses to “net worth”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    way to go kashi! i really didn't wanna work on my net worth, but i've decided i'm going to try to keep it up every month. maybe get some motivation going, you know?

    AND SUPER COOL POINT CONGRATS ON THE JEANS!!! guys won't get it, but i am too impressed that your 1st two pairs fit properly. and target pants, too! i can't wear the pants from target: they're too small in the hips and too big in the waist. even better: i can wear means cK jeans no problem. go figure...

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Me and my -16k net worth are oh so jealous. Frown Wink

  3. tinapbeana Says:

    i never thought i'd look forward to seeing the number 0 so much!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    I don't understand your work. They treat you like garbage and then give you money for working hard? Well, I guess its better than they treat you like garbage and don't give you money for working hard. Too bad they can't just treat you well and give you money, huh?

  5. Broken Arrow Says:

    I simply can't wait for $0. In fact, I don't think I can even imagine $0. No wait, yes... yes I can. Wink

  6. baselle Says:

    Congrats on the jeans. Cheer up! Four years ago (when I was 40), your number was my net worth. And four years is not that long.

  7. jersey jen Says:

    way to go, kashi!

  8. campfrugal Says:

    After adding up my assets vs. my liabilities, I found out I am roughly worth $85,232. That is not including my husband's worth. Come January though, I am going to set up my blog to show assets and liabilities and work on ways to add to my asset column and make me a richer person (on the outside).

  9. kashi Says:

    I look forward to zero, too!

    LuckyRobin - my thoughts exactly.

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