Home > just fine

just fine

September 27th, 2006 at 03:05 pm

The procedure was thankfully less painful than I had anticipated. Not fun, but it's over with and I hope that was the first and last episode of that melodrama. Boss seems to be ignoring my time off request now. I'm just not up for caring anymore.

I was naughty last night and bought my MP3 player/radio. It was on sale (of course), and so far I'm liking it! I had radio reception the entire bus trip this morning, which is unheard of. The reception is not as great at my desk, but I think I can figure out a way to improve it. I bought a cheap plastic lidded soap dish to store it in so it doesn't flop around unprotected in my bag. Perfect!

Yes - I should have waited for Christmas - but I felt like I "deserved" it after all the trauma lately (silly, I know!). Now I just have to remind myself that I don't "deserve" anything more! Back on track!

About the grocery store gift certificates - I have a credit card that currently gives 5% cash back on grocery store purchases. They are changing it to only 2% back next month. I want to get the best bang for my buck, so I'm buying gift certificates now. I'll have to buy groceries, right? So I might as well get some extra cash back for it while I still can.

Stopped by Walgreens last night and stocked up on a few things they've got on the rebate list. I still need to organize my stash and write down everything I have. No more buying for a while; I need to use up what we've got. Nice deal at Target, though - Pepsi 12-packs were 4/$9, plus we got a $5 gift card for buying. That amounts to $1 per 12-pack. Awesome!

Pottery class tonight! Big Grin

5 Responses to “just fine”

  1. mountainmist Says:

    Hi, I did a search on your blog and learned the reason why you were buying the grocery store gift cards -- good thinking on your part, I'll bet you're one of maybe 0.000001% of the entire population who did that, it's very inventive!

  2. JanH Says:

    Glad your procedure is over!

  3. sarah Says:

    You did deserve the MP3 player. Don't beat yourself up over expensives like this. They aren't everyday and a cancer biopsy is terrifying.Enjoy

  4. baselle Says:

    Naughty for buying an MP3 player that you'll use and love? No way. Have fun checking out some of my favorite music sites - Music for Maniacs, and mashups at Go Home Productions, the Kleptones, and Mashup Town. They should come up quickly if you Google them. Smile Oh yes, and Vanguard has podcasts.

  5. yummy64 Says:

    Glad it went okay. Its the waiting that gets you more than the procedure.

    And sounds like you made a great purchase. I bet your cost per use ends up being pretty cheap! You used your hard earned money to enhance your life. I think that's great. Life can't be all about savings. And being on top of your money lets you do things like this every once in a while Smile It is all good Smile

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