Home > stockpile spread out everywhere

stockpile spread out everywhere

August 31st, 2006 at 05:41 pm

It's a good thing, knowing what's in your stockpile, right? I've realized that I've got mine stashed in all four corners of the house. A couple of days ago I bought an enormous container of laundry detergent...turns out I already have one sitting upstairs. Last night I bought a pack of Q-tips with coupon...turns out I already have one stashed in the closet. It's not really saving money if you're just duplicating stuff that you didn't know you had.

Next challenge - make a household stockpile list!

Also, I need not hang on to any more hair product coupons. We have enough to wash, condition, and style us into next year. It's a weakness of mine, trying new hair stuff - anything to tame this mane.

I just got a lovely email from a coworker (via my boss) praising my work. How nice! Some recognition and appreciation! Definitely made my day. Smile

3 Responses to “stockpile spread out everywhere”

  1. homebody Says:

    I'll join you. I just inventoried my food pantry and the list is ridiculous! I need to do the same with personal care items.

  2. braque68 Says:

    Yes! I did this too. I could've kicked myself for not keeping track of what I had. I am going to return the duplicate items.

  3. baselle Says:

    Congrats about the email. I save mine for a couple of months to cheer me up.

    Inventory is good, but combined with a plan to rotate the stuff is even better!

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