Tomorrow I take off for my parents' house. I'm making the long drive by myself, because SO has to work a few days next week. No problem - I have my iPod, plenty of snacks, public radio (for half of the drive anyhow), and a few books-on-CD from the library that a friend picked up for me. Nice! Our library charges for books-on-CD, and my friend's library doesn't, so it was great of her to pick some up for me.
I'm a little glad that SO will be home for most of the time that I'm gone. My plants will get watered consistently and the kitties will have company. It will be time alone with my family, as well. I don't see them nearly enough anymore. SO will be joining me later in the week. I'm not so excited about tomorrow's drive alone, but that will be good for me too.
I've been on an antibiotic roller coaster - Wednesday I felt fabulous, good as new (must have been bad bacteria-killing day). Yesterday I felt as though an alien was struggling to push its way out of my abdomen (must have been good bacteria-killing day). Today, I'm so-so. The made-for-TV alien seems to have left. I could use a nap, though. Sometimes the cure is almost as bad as the ailment, but I'm glad the ailment is behind me.
I decided to forgo the Sam's Club trip I'd been planning. I'd rather go to the State Fair after I return from my trip. It will be interesting to see how long I can make our laundry detergent, kleenex, paper towels, and toilet paper stretch. I'm not going to spend as much at the fair as I would at Sam's Club, but I just can't do both this month - and the fair is a once-a-year thing!
So far, I'm doing well on August goals: $80 left in the grocery fund, $170 into savings, and I've driven to work just twice.
It will be an interesting week. Dial-up internet, no cable tv, a long drive to shop anywhere, limited cell phone access...should be cheap! And fun. I love spending time with my mom. One of my goals next week - attempt sewing! I bought a few patterns during a pattern sale last week, but I couldn't find the fabric to go with them. Being in the fabric aisles is like wandering through a foreign country for me. Hopefully, mom can help me find some fabric in her neck of the woods...and hopefully I won't sew my fingers together!
T-20 hours and counting
August 18th, 2006 at 05:46 pm
August 18th, 2006 at 05:53 pm 1155920015
Enjoy your time with your Mom - it is so special - I can just imagine the two of you sewing and chatting together. My Mom and I used to do that - fond memories. I now have her sewing machine for my DD and am happy to say that she is keen to start learning so we will have happy hours together too Drive carefully, Bronwyn
August 24th, 2006 at 06:34 am 1156397690