Home > Fresh Express bagged lettuce?

Fresh Express bagged lettuce?

July 24th, 2006 at 05:50 pm

Any idea which markets offer Fresh Express bagged lettuce? I've looked in Super Target and Cub Foods and couldn't find it. Is it a health food store brand (e.g. Whole Foods)? I've got coupons and would love to use them, if I could just find the product! Their website was less than helpful - no "find our product" page, and no email address to contact them.

7 Responses to “Fresh Express bagged lettuce?”

  1. Homebody Says:

    Safeway in California carries Fresh Express. I don't think you have Safeway in Minnesota though do you?

  2. contrary1 Says:

    All our major grocery store chains carry this product here in the Pacific NW.
    Safeway, Albertsons, Top Foods, Haggens.

  3. flash Says:

    All our major stores carry it...bags similar to Ready-Pac, Dole prepackaged...

    has a phone number you can call.

    I emailed Chiquita directly before and received...why 3 free product coupons of course, but that won't help if you can't find it.

    Health food stores usually carry Earthbound farms, which is headquartered a few miles from Fresh Express!

  4. retire@50 Says:

    Our King Soopers has them

  5. kashi Says:
    1153841746's not in our major stores, as far as I can see. Perhaps I'll give Chiquita a call. Thanks!

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    Fred Meyer has them.

  7. Patrick Says:

    I come from central CA where Fresh Express is from, and I currently live in North Texas. In North TX, you can buy Fresh Express at Walmart, Kroger, and Tom Thumb (FYI, Tom Thumb, like Von's, is owned by Safeway of northern CA.)

    Although Fresh Express lettuce is a good product, myself I would rather buy another brand than them (or Dole) for political reasons. Both companies hire out ILLEGAL MEXICAN IMMIGRANTS to pick their lettuce ALL THE TIME. Believe happy you can buy lettuce from outside central CA.

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