Home > am I supposed to ask for coupons?

am I supposed to ask for coupons?

July 19th, 2006 at 08:20 pm

About this emailing of companies - am I supposed to come right out and ask for coupons? I've gotten several email replies from companies to my complimentary emails, and all they really say is "thanks." Only one (Amy's Kitchen) has said they'd love to send me coupons. I went down the Organic Coupon list and emailed those companies I knew. I'm just not sure if I'm should be forward and ask for coupons or not. And from what I've read, I shouldn't write more often than every 90 I guess I'll wait a while.

Last night I made an impulse buy at Walgreens when I stopped in for my prescriptions. I bought a new fan for our home, but when I set it up, it was much louder than the display model in the store. It will be going back today. It's difficult to find a truly quiet fan.

I bit of respite from the sun and heat today...thunderstorms. My peppers and tomatoes should be happy.

Hitting Target and the grocery store tonight to stock up on provisions for my weekend guests and use some of my new coupons! Feeding my guests will be a snap - entertaining them will be more of a trick.

It's incredibly slow at work these days and I have so little to do. Dreaming of an office with a door and a job that interests me...

1 Responses to “am I supposed to ask for coupons?”

  1. flash Says:

    It depends on the company...for the organics, yes, I've written that I've heard about their products, am interested in trying them, do they ever send coupons, do they have any coupons available, do they have coupons or a newsletter to sign up for? Better crafted, but yes.

    If you did not ask before, it's fine to write back and ask...

    for instance...I just saw that you make 27 other flavors of soy milk, do you have any coupons available? I'd love to try some of the other products you have.

    The frequency of asking is proportional to the frequency of receiving...they won't mail coupons out to you every week, unless you have a problem with their product...then they might ask you to stop buying it after awhile...Smile

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