Home > brrrr


December 19th, 2005 at 03:40 pm

It was something like -25 F with the windchill this morning. A chilly walk to the bus. You know it's cold when your eyes start to water and the tears immediately freeze to your face. Ick! Yet there are still adults walking around in light polartech jackets and no hat, no scarf, no gloves. I don't understand it. I am freezing to death in my parka, heavy duty gloves, hat scrunched down to my eyebrows and scarf wrapped up to my eyeballs. I need to move - I can't stand this weather. SO and were talking about it again last night, and we need to come up with a timeline for moving out of the tundra.

Mailed the package on Saturday and the cost was very close to what I expected, not too bad. They will still get it before Christmas.

We did a lot of shopping this weekend, and then found out that none of the nieces and nephews are supposed to get any gifts other than homemade. Half of what we got will have to go back to the stores, and we will still have to make things for them. *sigh* I wish we had been told this a little sooner than yesterday (they decided this at Thanksgiving when we weren't there, and then never told us). I am worn out.

Still waiting for several packages from that I ordered weeks ago...not sure if they are just in transit, or if my landlord has them held hostage downstairs. Mail carriers tend to drop things off at their door instead of ours, and then they take a while to give us the boxes.

I got an awesome wholesale bead catalog in the mail...wish I could order everything!!! Their merchandise is absolutely gorgeous. I am going to show it to a friend and see if she wants to go in on an order with me.

5 Responses to “brrrr”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Here's a hope that you get a warm spell. People who run around in the cold are subject to frostbite! You are far wiser to saty in the parka!Wink

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks, PricePlus! We're forecasted to have highs in the 30s by the end of the week - I hope they are right!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Wait, you have to return gifts you spent time looking for, and THEN make handmade ones, all before Christmas? I can't help but think you should be given a free pass--after all, no one told you!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I forgot to ask--where do you live?

  5. Anonymous Says:

    You're right, SharylMB. If we give them the gifts, though, we'll make everyone else look bad, and royally upset his sister. Better not to rock the boat. The kids will probably be getting a piece of paper with a smiley face on it, given my complete lack of energy. Stick Out Tongue

    I live in Minnesota.

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